• Country Sugar Cake


    Country Sugar Cake is a traditional delight that offers a rich, sweet flavor and moist texture. Made with high-quality, natural ingredients, this comforting cake is perfect for any occasion, whether enjoyed on its own, paired with tea or coffee, or served as a delightful dessert with toppings!

  • Millet Plum Cake


    Millet Plum Cake is a delicious and nutritious twist on the classic fruitcake, made from wholesome millets and packed with rich dried fruits and nuts. Gluten-free and naturally sweetened, this moist and flavorful cake is perfect for festive celebrations or as a delightful snack any time of the year!

  • Millet Mini Muffin Cake


    Millet Mini Muffin Cakes are delicious, bite-sized treats made from nutritious millets, offering a healthy and fluffy alternative to traditional muffins. Gluten-free and low in glycemic index, these mini muffins are perfect for breakfast, snacks, or as a sweet addition to any occasion!

  • Millet Butter Cookies


    Millet Butter Cookies are delicious treats made from a blend of nutritious millets and creamy butter, offering a rich flavor and melt-in-your-mouth texture. Gluten-free and low in glycemic index, these cookies are perfect for a satisfying snack any time of the day!

  • Millet Salt Cookies


    Millet Salt Cookies are savory snacks made from a blend of nutritious millets, offering a delightful crunch and unique flavor. Gluten-free and low in glycemic index, these cookies are perfect for a healthy and satisfying treat any time of the day!

  • Kuthiraivaali Cookies


    Kuthiraivaali Cookies are delicious and nutritious snacks made from barnyard millet, known for their unique flavor and health benefits. Gluten-free and low in glycemic index, these cookies make for a wholesome treat that can be enjoyed any time of the day!

  • Saamai Cookies


    Saamai Cookies are tasty and nutritious snacks made from little millet, known for their unique flavour and health benefits. Gluten-free and low in glycemic index, these cookies are perfect for a wholesome treat any time of the day!

  • Varagu Cookies


    Varagu Cookies are delicious and nutritious snacks made from kodo millet, known for their rich flavor and health benefits. Gluten-free and low in glycemic index, these cookies are perfect for a wholesome treat any time of the day!

  • Thinai Cookies


    Thinai Cookies are nutritious and delicious snacks made from foxtail millet, offering a unique flavor and health benefits. Gluten-free and low in glycemic index, these cookies are perfect for a wholesome treat any time of the day!

  • Biryani Masala


    Biryani Masala is a rich and aromatic spice blend designed to enhance the authentic flavors of biryani. Perfect for marinating meats or vegetables and ideal for a variety of rice dishes, this convenient mix brings delicious taste and aroma to your meals!

  • Curry Leaves Podi


    Curry Leaves Podi is a flavorful spice blend made from fresh curry leaves, known for supporting digestion, boosting metabolism, and promoting healthy skin and hair. Ideal for seasoning rice, dosas, and curries for a delicious and nutritious enhancement!

  • Mudakkathan keerai Podi


    Mudakkathan Keerai Podi is a nutritious spice blend made from the medicinal Balloon Vine herb, known for supporting joint health, promoting digestion, and enhancing respiratory function. Ideal for seasoning rice, dosas, and vegetables for a delicious and healthy boost!

  • Vallarai Keerai Podi


    Vallarai Podi is a flavorful spice blend made from Gotu Kola, known for enhancing memory, promoting mental clarity, and supporting digestive health. Ideal for seasoning rice, dosas, and curries for a nutritious boost!

  • Pirandi Podi


    Pirandai Podi is a nutritious spice blend made from the medicinal Pirandai herb, known for improving digestion, supporting bone health, reducing inflammation, and boosting metabolism. Ideal for seasoning rice, dosas, and curries!

  • Kollu Podi


    Kollu Podi is a nutritious, flavorful spice blend made from roasted horse gram, known for aiding weight loss, boosting immunity, and promoting heart health. Perfect as a seasoning for rice, dosas, and more!

  • Ragi Cookies


    Ragi Cookies are nutritious snacks made from finger millet flour, rich in essential nutrients like calcium, iron, and dietary fiber. With their unique nutty flavor and satisfying texture, these cookies make a perfect companion for tea or coffee, offering a healthy and delicious treat any time of the day.

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