• ABC Malt


    ABC Malt is a premium malt extract made from carefully selected grains, offering a rich, sweet flavor perfect for baking, brewing, and as a natural sweetener. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it supports overall health and provides a natural source of energy. Elevate your culinary creations with the wholesome goodness of ABC Malt!

  • Beetroot Malt


    Beetroot Malt is a nutritious beverage mix made from natural beetroot and malt. Rich in iron and antioxidants, it supports heart health, boosts stamina, and improves blood circulation. Quick to prepare, it’s a delicious and healthy drink for all ages.

  • Carrot Malt


    Carrot Malt is a nutritious and delicious beverage mix made from natural carrots and malt. Packed with vitamins and antioxidants, it’s easy to prepare and perfect for a quick, healthy snack for all ages. Enjoy it hot or cold for a refreshing and wholesome drink!

  • Red Banana Malt


    Red Banana Malt is a nutritious beverage mix made from naturally sweet red bananas and malt. Rich in potassium and antioxidants, it supports digestion, boosts energy, and promotes heart health. Quick to prepare and perfect for all ages, enjoy it hot or cold!

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